
Why Watching the Scoreboard Doesn’t Help

stocksnap_f24uwxbo1i-1I’ve been reading the gospel of John the past couple of days and it’s really opened my eyes to the way  Jesus related to people. A lot of them kept asking Jesus if he was the Christ, even after all the miracles he had done, and the nobility of his character as evidenced by the way he treated people. Sometimes, no matter what you do, people misconstrue your motives and actions. He loved and poured into people all day every day for 3 years, and still they were trying to entrap him and made him out to be a blasphemer.

If Jesus had kept count of the people who continued following him all the way to the end, compared to all the people who flocked to him when he first started doing miracles, I’m sure the numbers would have been a little discouraging. A couple of chapters before, John explains how many people who followed him “went back, and went no more with him (John 6:66). All because he asserted that He was the Son of God.

I took comfort in the fact that the people who were sincerely looking for healing and redemption got what they were looking for beyond their wildest hopes.

Jesus was right. His sheep heard his voice and came flocking to Him.

This passage showed me that you won’t please everyone. No matter how hard you try to be politically correct, or diplomatic, or whatever, people will always find a reason not to like what you’re doing, or what you stand for. But it is for someone out there in the crowd. You may not know it for a while. The fruits of your labor may go unnoticed for a while, even by you. But the people who need the message you have are listening. And you are making an impact, whether you know it or not. Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing. Keep writing. Keep speaking. Keep teaching. Keep reaching out to people in whatever it is you’re called to do. The scoreboard isn’t an accurate indication of the success of your efforts. Your consistency and enthusiasm is. Don’t water down your message. Don’t try to please everyone. Just keep your head down and work. Someone out there is being impacted.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10: 27)

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